MÉRNÖKGEOLÓGIAI KONFERENCIÁK, Mérnökgeológia - Kőzetmechanika 2008

Conservation Science and the role of Engineering Geology in studying material properties; a case study of the Székesfehérvár Ruin Garden
Magda Theodoridou, Ákos Török

Last modified: 2015-02-03


The protection of monuments that have been already considered as important for anation’s cultural heritage is nowadays required. In order to choose the best conservation strategy i.e.methods and products, a thorough research is necessary for understanding deeply the causes ofdeterioration of the construction. In the implementation of the research related to the properties ofbuilding stones, engineering geology plays an important role. The case study of the SzékesfehérvárRuin Garden can be an illustrative example due to the size of the monument, its different phases ofconstruction in the Middle Ages and the several identified lithotypes found in the remained part of theconstruction. Several samplings were carried out for the identification of the lithotypes. For the mostimportant of them, various methods were used aiming to determine the phycico-mechanical propertiesof the stones such as the characterization of pores, water absorption, uniaxial compressive strength andmicro-drilling resistance. Mapping of selected wall sections has been implemented as well, depictingthe distribution of the various lithotypes and the observed decay and weathering forms.

Keywords: conservation science, engineering geology, material’s properties, building stone,Székesfehérvár Ruin Garden

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